
Photo: Graeme Awcock.

My name is Hannah Awcock. My research interests include the historical, cultural, and social geographies of resistance, dissent, and protest.

I completed my PhD in the department of Geography at Royal Holloway, University of London. My thesis is about the historical geography of protest in London since 1780, with a particular focus on how events interact with space and place. My PhD has several key themes: communication and organisation; control of, and access to, public space; and memory and commemoration. I look at these themes using four case studies, which are:

  1. The Gordon Riots (1780)
  2. The Hyde Park Railings Affair (1866)
  3. The Battle of Cable Street (1936)
  4. The Student Tuition Fee Protests (2010)

Since my PhD my research has focused on the geographies of protest stickers – small, self adhesive pieces of paper or vinyl that express a political message. Largely overlooked by both scholars and the general public, stickers provide activists with a cheap, easy, relatively low-risk way to express themselves in public space.

This blog is about my research, both the subject matter and the process. It is also about the resistance in the British Isles, both past and present.

Please get in touch via @Faxsly on Twitter, or email hannah.awcock.91@gmail.com

My CV is available here.


5 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi Hannah, I spotted one of my “you are nice” stickers on your website. If you would like some for yourself, head over to my site at http://www.youarenice.co.uk I have been sending them all over the world since 2014 to help spread some much needed niceness in the world. Keep up the good work and great website. 🙂


    1. Hi Mark, it is great to hear from you! I’m glad you like the blog, and I think your website is great, particularly the map of niceness! I have sent a request for some stickers, thank you 🙂


  2. Just something for you to think about. Ive been occupying the streets of Nottinghill with thousands of people for the Nottinghill carnival since the 1970s. The carnival of course started as a street protest about the murder of Kelso Cochrane and an affirmation of community cohesion against race riots. It is seriously under attack right now as a combination of state forces and pressure from local gentrified residents tries to take it off the streets into a park.Someone should write a book!


  3. Dear Hannah, Sean Cooney has sent me a link to your excellent review of “The Ballad of Johnny Longstaff” who was my father. Of importance to you is the unveiling of a monument dedicated to memory of Hull Brigaders,on the 16th March for more information please search for IBMT and look up events.
    Salud y Republica!


    1. Hi Duncan, I’m glad you liked the review, the show is wonderful! You must be very proud of your father. Thank you for the info. about the monument, I will make sure I look it up.


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